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17. Frances J. Kuebel

Seventeenth Sheriff of Kendall County - September 1971- December 1972


Sheriff Fances Kuebel

Frances was seventeen when she met and married Douglas Kuebel.  Douglas was nineteen years old when they married in Gillespie County in October 1929. In 1948, Kuebel moved the family from San Antonio to Boerne, where he was employed in the construction business. Frances took care of the home and their children.   Upon his death, the Kendall Commissioners Court met and unanimously appointed his widow, Mrs. Frances J. Kuebel, as sheriff, to serve out the unexpired term through 1972.  This appointment made her the first and to date only female sheriff to serve in Kendall County.  She reported to the Commissioners and was paid the same wage as her deceased husband.  She posted her sheriff's bond, October 11, 1971.  The Commissioners ordered Sheriff Frances Kuebel to proceed with the deputy arrangements that had been approved by Sheriff Douglas Kuebel.  Deputies Levy Zoeller and Marvin Dean worked fulltime until another fulltime deputy was selected.  Mrs. Kuebel's official term as sheriff was sixteen months, from September 1971 to December 1972. In November 1972, Lee D'Spain was elected Sheriff of Kendall County.


Source: Hill, Deborah. "Frances J. Kuebel" Keys to the Past. Vol. XXXVIII No. 2, Fall/Winter 2019.

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