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Promotion Announcement


Heather and Kevin promotion ceremony

On 1/4/2022, the Kendall County Sheriff's Office celebrated multiple promotions within the office. Kevin Klaerner, who has served as the Community Services Sergeant since October 2018, has excelled in reaching the community and has been a huge asset to the office. With the growth of the county, the need for a Support Services Division was necessary and Klaerner was the perfect person for the job to be promoted to Lieutenant and head this division. His passion for the kids and families in this community is undeniable and his heart to serve is truly amazing. With this promotion came an opening for the Community Services Sergeant and after much consideration, the office found that Deputy Heather Pomeroy was the perfect person for the job. Her positive attitude and charismatic personality paired perfectly with the mission of this office. Congratulations to you both! We are excited and thrilled to see what you two accomplish and how you continue to serve this community.

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